A Productive Sunday?

18 April 2016

I've been trying to have a productive Sunday for about a month now and they're just not working. Every Sunday I mean to write a blog post but Sundays are also the only days I can sleep in and also are the days of last minute homework, and blogging isn't fitting into the schedule at the moment. So, I apologise now and in advance for my lack of posts during this month (although hopefully I'll be able to squeeze at least three into April) and next month because as the vast majority of us know, it is exam season! Not only that but April just is a busy month in general because it's everyone in my familys birthday (except one of us) and I have been extraordinary tired lately.

I actually do have blog post ideas as well though, just too tired to take photos right now so we can have a little catch up.

sister club ft my mum and non biological but may as well be sister
My sister who lives in New Zealand is currently home with her boyfriend! She came home as a surprise for all our birthdays and boy oh boy it sure was surprising. It was my other sisters 21st earlier this month and my Dads 50th, so we've had some big birthdays to celebrate.

I went to see Years & Years during Easter and they were amazing (I didn't expect anything less) and you know when you just really love a band then you see them in person and you have that 'Oohf' moment, I had that and the whole concert was just so fun. I got a jumper after from one of the vendors outside and I was hustled, I asked for a large and the jumper I got could only be considered a large on a small child. However, for £10 it was worth it as a nice bed jumper and I'll hopefully get a proper one for my birthday.

Having a birthday so close to exams is so stressful because I don't have time to look for present ideas or go shopping but all I know is I would really like some makeup and some clothes. I know exactly what clothes I want but they require me to go out and try them on, and a few can only be found in certain London shops which I just don't have time to trek to at the moment. In this post though, I'm wearing a top that I love and want to find more like it. Does anyone have any clue where I can buy a dainty printed top like that from? I'm thinking get a few things for my birthday but mainly wait till after exams so I can go on a big shop, but I really am running low on clothes. I just can't wait for half term during exams so I can go shopping!

I hope you're all doing well and good luck for any upcoming exams!
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