
8 September 2013

So I love summer, but winter is pretty great too. Well mainly because it involves, duvet days, onsies, suit pajamas (if you don't know what they are I plan on doing a post about them when I get some!:) ), CHRISTMAAS, soup (I love vegetable soup I don't know why and literally as soon as it's a teeny bit cold I'm like MUM MAKE SOUP PLEASE) and jumpers.
I know it's not winter yet, I think it's autumn but that makes no difference. Autumn is cold therefore we have to wear warm clothes. Like jumpers.
I love jumpers, who doesn't!? They're warm and baggy and ahh I just love them.
These are my jumpers that I currently own, I've had some of these for a while but I'm going to show you them anyway.
I would just like to say now I'm sorry the pictures are crap quality and the lightings all over the place, I have no camera of my own and I have no idea where the family one is and even if I did I couldn't use it because we've lost the USB plug thing. So I took the pictures on my iPad and well they turned out pretty terrible.... oh well here ya goo
I'm a bit ashamed to say that the majority of these are from Topshop, but before you go thinking I'm a spoilt brat, the first jumper I've had for either two or three years and well the other ones were Christmas/birthday presents.
These are my favourite jumpers. The first one I love its huge and baggy and long enough to wear with leggings and it's just so comfy and warm, but it is a bit see through, its knitted but obviously then it has teeny little holes and stuff so it is a bit see through, but with a white vest under it's all good.
The second is also baggy but it's not long enough to wear with leggings. I'm very particular and if I'm wearing leggings my top must cover my bum. But with jeans I'm fine with it, except the arms are super long and I'm not sure why. It's weird because I love this jumper and sometimes I think it looks really nice on, then I'll wear the exact same outfit again and decide I don't like it. The bottom part goes completely in, like elasticated or something, it's hard to explain, so it kind of goes really round like a mushroom. That doesn't make much sense so I'll add a picture next time I wear it. It's super good at keeping you warm though and it's knitted but isn't itchy and scratchy like some knitted jumpers are.
The first one on the second row is also something I struggle to wear with leggings, but with a long vest on under it's alright. I love this jumper, I literally wore it everyday when it was cold then ne day my friend said to me 'Oh I never realised there was a star on it'. Now let me tell you, once you see the star among the black lines you can never unsee it. So now whenever I see the jumper, all I can see is the star, which is fine and I still love it but I preferred it before I found the star. Also with this jumper, as you can see it's very white and I am a very messy person. I'm not sure how this happens but I will wear something and two minutes later it will be dirty. With a white item of clothing, stains stand out a lot, so obviously I have trouble. I always end up getting ketchup on this jumper even if I haven't had ketchup. I don't care though I love it and food can be removed!
The one next to the white one is a crop top/crop jumper. It doesn't keep you warm like some of the others, so it's good for when it's a bit chilly. This one I tend tow ear with leggings, with a long vest under or with jeans. Needless to say though whenever I wear this jumper, I always have a long vest on underneath. I've had this one for a long time too, maybe two years. I don't know if that's considered a long time to own a piece of clothing, but I wear this jumper a lot. Literally all these jumpers are what I wear in winter. I just keep on outfit repeating but change the accessories or bottoms and pretend no one realizes I'm outfit repeating, even though they must.
These are all from Topshop.

The last jumper on the top line I haven't had for long. I got it for my birthday but almost two months later, from my oldest sister who is currently living in New Zealand. I haven't had much oppotunity to wear this yet, since my birthday is in April and I got this around late May/June as it started to get warmer. However I have worn it a few times and I adore it. I think it's really cute and quirky, and it's from a little store in New Zealand, so no one has it here in the UK! It's so big and baggy and comfy and keeps me warm. It's long enough to wear with leggings but also super nice with jeans. I can't fault this jumper I love it.
The last one on the last line is from Cafe Press, an online shop and it is Captain America. I love superheros and when I first saw the Avengers I was like 'RIGHT it is time I got some superhero merch' so I googled them all and there was pretty much nothing, Well nothing I could find. Then eventually I stumbled across this beauty and I am so happy its colder so I can wear it again. Again I dont think its long enough to wear with leggings, but I do soemtimes, because if I keep pulling it down its fine. I mainly wear it with jeans though, its thick and keeps me warm just like all the others.

So yep, these are my favourite jumpers! Comment down below your blogs and tell me some good places to get jumpers because it's finally time to start purchasing warm clothes!!:)

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