Jim Chapman Outfit

21 August 2014

Hey guys! So today has been eventful. I was meant to go out at 11, I woke up five minutes before that, made the plans later then ended up lying in bed for god knows how long watching random youtube videos. Then I hunted through all the clothes my sister is throwing out, which was not the time since I was already like an hour and a half late. After that I had to find a foundation dark enough to fit my skin tone at the moment (hell yeah to holiday tans) but I could not find one and let me tell you, my skin is rebelling against me and spots are everywhere. However, finally by three o'clock after all the procrastinating and searching for stuff I finally went out.

I decided I quite liked my outfit and wanted to show you guys it. I felt a lot like Jim Chapman and I'm not sure why.

The white tshirt is just one of my dads and the shirt is a really old one that belonged to my sister. I think they go well together most of all because the tshirt is super baggy but the shirt, its not not  baggy but its not tight either. It's the perfect size to wear over a larger tshirt and not get swallowed up into a mass of clothing. Although I do wear a baggy shirt over a tshirt, I feel like having a more fitted shirt works best.
Okay I have no idea what happened to the amera quality, my friend Lauren took the pictures, lets just blame her. I'm kidding, I love her all go check out her blog its fabulous.
Tshirt: Next (so soft!)
Jeans: Topshop (not the exact same, but close)
Shoes: Office
Shirt: River Island [very old, but I found similar here!]
Bag is from Primark ages ago, but there are always good lil bags there
The checkered shirt added some colour to the outfit and I felt like because it was quite plain, I would need a long necklace. Obviously, I went to my trustworthy Urban Outfitters necklace which seems to reappear in every blog post. Sorry, but I do wear it a heckle lot. Then I paired it with my new Vagabonds.
I was contemplaing whether to buy these shoes for ages, since they were so expesnive and I knew I could probably find a pait which werent that similar but for much cheaper. I was just going to ignore the ruge for these shoes but it was constantly on my mind, and my wonderful Mum offered to go halves with me. Honestly, these are such comfy shoes and I can walk in them for ages. I love the style so much and Im so glad I did get these because I feel like they will stay in fashion for a while (plus when dont you need a beautiful pair of black shoes!?) and since they're Vagabonds theyre such good waulity and should last years! Oh b oy, I do love them I could talk about them for years. Although I already am rather tall, then again i cant really teel since everyone in my family is extremelt small and apparently so are a lot of my friends so I dont know if I am tall or just an average height. I think I am rarely tall though. Anyway, wearing these make me quite a bit higher than some of my friends, but I think its worth it since they are so beautfiul!
EXCUSE MY GROSS NAILS I SWEAR I HAVE SORTED THEM OUT NOW THOUGH. In summer I alqays paint my nails because like woo Im allowed but I always go for black and I feel like I should jazz it up a little but I love black nails. This is to show you the colour of the shirt and detail better just in case you were wondering why they're here. 
How are all your summers going? I hope everyone got the results they wanted and if not, don't worry everything will be okay! I feel like I cant give very wise words of wisdom though as tomorrow I'm only receiving on important grade, everything is next year for me..Thank you for reading and adios for now friends, I shall be back soon :)x


  1. You look bloody gorgeous! I love wearing shirts :) xx

    Pillarbox Post

    1. Oh thank you I dont think I've ever smiled so hard at a comment aha :) Me too, they can just make outfits work:)xx

  2. Lovely outfit, especially your shirt and your hair looks so nice - I want mine to be that long haha!! :)

    Millie x

    1. Thank you:) Ahh I've had long hair most my life and I went through a phase I wanted to cut it all off but I know that if I done that I would regret it so much and short hair is so much more effort to style! But I have been told I have been blessed with really good hair genes(is that big headed I'm not sure- its not meant to be I've just been told!) so I am grateful!:)x

  3. ahh I love reading your blog hehe! and this outfit is so pretty, checked shirts are perfect! I just posted an outfit similar to this :) x

    1. Thank you! I keep wearing similar outfits to this just with little different variations and I go to take blog pictures but realise that they're all basically the same outfit. I need to wear something different and take blog pictures but I just really love opened checkered shirts at the moment!x

  4. I love Jims' style & I love this look on you! x



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