My Happiness Jar

24 May 2015

Hey guys! How are you? For those of you that have exams I hope they're going well! (There is no smooth transition to the post I just wanted to give you all some support before we dove in) It was only last year when I fully started to appreciate jars. I know, bizarre isn't it. Jars. But they are so important, Think about it. We have three jars downstairs all containing tea bags- which reminds me I've still tried no new tea yet this year. One jar has normal tea, the other one has green tea which I force myself to drink because it's good for you, and one that is some form of lemon and something else tea bag. If we're being honest, I would gladly have more jars in the kitchen.

The big jar is from Ikea and the little one is from Wilkinosons

In my room I have two jars. The big one however is empty and I think I might take downstairs to the kitchen to put cereal in and stuff because it's a really nice jar but too big to really be of any use in my room. My friend made this cool snow globey type thing, its full of pink glitter and stars which I think I might do to another jar, but not this jar because this one is too big and I feel like it could have a proper function rather than just being aesthetically pleasing. JAR UPDATE I have decided to take this jar downstairs for real now and I think I might make fruit water in it. I also plan on making homemade granola and maybe I could put that in this jar. I don't know, the options are endless. (Also if any of you know a good homemade granola recipe please let me know

My small one is a happiness jar. I'm not doing too good with this so far, I keep forgetting to put things in. I decided to do this because I thought it was a cute idea, and without getting too personal, I don't have the highest of hopes for this year (I wrote this post around February hence why I make it seem so early in the year, because it was) so I would like to keep some reminders of happy things that happened to me so I don't remember 2015 as all bad like what seems to be happening for 2014. In case you don't know how it works, when something good/happy happens to you on a day, you write it down on a little piece of paper- I personally like to decorate mine, sometimes I go crazy (woah calm down Libby) and use a pink pen to write in (getting mental)- and pop it in the jar. Then at the end of 2015, you read all the notes. This reminds me that I have some stuff to put in there, It doesn't matter how significant or small the thing is. Did it make you happy? Put it in there!


  1. Love the idea of a happiness jar!

    1. They're so great! I haven't put much in therey et but I know in summer there will be many things and I feel like its a good way to look over the past year because people don't always remember the good things but having a jar full of things that made you happy is a bunch of little reminders about the good things in life :)x

  2. I have a very bad love affair with jars, I can't help myself but buy them whenever I see some in stores! I think it's such an nice thing, I love drinking in it! I also have a big jar in my room where I keep my saving in cash (to prevent the spending!!) and I tape a paper and I wrote Europe on it! so It feels good to drop money in that jar! I love your happiness jar!! I wanted to start one, I feel like it's too late now, but It's definitely something i'll do for the 2016!! xx

    1. Thats such a good idea! I'm hoping when I get a job to do something like that and just slowly watching the jar fill up would be so rewarding. You should do it next year I feel like it must be so uplifiting to finally look back over and see all the things that made you happy over the year!:)x

  3. The happiness jar is such a good idea, I may have to start doing that! And the snow globe one with glitter and stars must look so pretty as well, I want to try that too!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I really want to try the snow globe thing, I'm hoping to find just a little jar (maybe I'll use an old jam jar) and try it out! I got into Pinterest recently and oh my god that has just opened up the doors to an everlasting list of creative things to do with jars!x

  4. Aw I did this last year! I failed at it and forgot to put in a note every day but I admire you having a go, let us know if you stick with it!

    1. (sorry I forgot to reply) But oh my god this just reminded me I have so many things to add! I have trouble keeping up with it, I'm either on a roll and constantly adding or I just add loads at once because Im like 'OH WAIT I FORGOT TO ADD THESE THINGS' which is me right now ahah x


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