School Necessities

9 September 2015

How are you guys all doing back at school? I go to college now (how fancy of me) and we're allowed to wear whatever we want and it's so exciting but at the same time so stressful, I have to outfit plan the night before but who knows if the weather will trick me. Also it's stressful to know what time bus to get, because one got me there way too early (we're talking arriving way before 8 o'clock- lessons don't start till 8:30) but one might get me there too late. It's all very stressful, do I risk getting the later bus? I'm going to have to find out sooner or later if it's the right bus to get. Either way, I have been in school my entire life,so I feel like I am fairly qualified in sharing with you guys, in my opinion, some school essentials. Albeit I may not be the most organised person or whatever, but this goes beyond just stationary so it's fine. My 'expertise' still applies.

Notice how I said rucksack, not bag. As you get your older, your bag will become heavier and it will kill your shoulders; especially if you walk to and from school. So, just get a rucksack. Avoid all the back pain and the strap of your bag making engraving itself into your shoulder and just get a rucksack. Not only is the weight of it equally distributed between your shoulders and back, but a lot of the time the straps are very padded as well. If you can, splash out on an expensive one because a backpack will always be needed and the more expensive, the comfier they are! (American Apparel ones are amazingly padded) Also, I have heard my friends say they want a rucksack but they can't pull one off. Everyone can pull off a rucksack, don't have that mentality. Not only do they look cool on everyone, but they save your back a lot of pain, so just buy one.

At some point during the school year, you or one of your friends will have a surprise period (sorry if you don't and you're reading this, I'm just assuming that you're part of the population that does). So come stocked, there's nothing more irritating then having to ask round for one or having to go to the Nurses office and have to take one, so come prepared for yourself and bring a few extra for your friends or whoever may come asking for one. No one is happy during that time, so just make yours or someone else's a little bit easier by being prepared. Fun story, on one of my induction days I was talking to a boy whilst we were queuing up to be signed up for a class and during the conversation I took something out my bag and we both just watched as pad slowly fluttered out of my bag and onto the floor. What a great first impression. Although, I feel like I should have been more embarrassed than I was, but honestly if you ever see me around and need something chances are, I have your back. And hand sanitizers is pretty obvious, who knows when you'll touch some manky gum underneath a table?

I don't care if they're not allowed, they are essential. I don't know how I would survive school/college  without gum. I just have to have fresh feeling breath, it made me feel more confident and the chewing helps me concentrate. Just try and hide the fact your chewing in class and maybe start off with a less strict teacher so you can nail your chewing skills to make it not look obvious. Unless you're one of those people who sticks gum under the tables, in which case firstly stop that and secondly have mints. Either way, nobody wants to have bad breath or speak to people with bad breath and sometimes you just need that extra help. Just be subtle about it because teachers may shout and other students will pester you.

Pretty obvious one, you may need entertaining on your way to or from school. Also if you're allowed to listen to music in class they're always a god send, rather than have to go hunting to share someone else's or use the schools weird ones.

This is only really if you don't get exercise books, but yeah. You need somewhere to write stuff down! And folders are good for everything, I use them all the time for revising and during alevels you need them. We're told we need lever arch folders but man, I don't know how I'm going to organise all my stuff out. Either way, folders!!

Print out your timetable and write down what you need to do and when you need to do homework. I also have this really cool list thing from Paperchase (which you can find here) where I write down everything I need to do and tick them off. Any of these things help you to be organised and know when things are set, so invest!

I don't understand those people who don't have a pencil case, don't think you can get by on just one biro. Buy a pencil case and fill it with the three essentials; pens (plural! Be prepared! More than one pen is needed), pencils and highlighters. Then if you can, coloured pens are always good, but if you don't care that much for stationary at lest by those three things because not one day will pass where you don't need them. And don't leave them all wild and free in your bag, look after your stationary, it will always be there for you. Plus, if you're that person that always asks for pens and stuff, people will stop being so kind and saying yes after a while. Just a heads up.

And that is all you need to material wise to survive school. I hope you all have a good week! ALSO thank you to Emma (I always refer to her as Oh Flower Child in my head it's weird typing Emma) for helping me to use flickr and sort out how to post pictures from there onto blogger, I was having a bit of a nightmare before!


  1. Rucksacks are deffo the way to go! All through high school I used a silly handbag, it wasn't until Sixth Form I came to my senses and used something a bit more practical!X

    Lucy Cole | A UK Fashion, Lifestyle and Beauty Blog

    1. At least you eventually came to your senses! I don't know how you survived so long without one!x

  2. i love your stationery, so colourful and cute! I'm gutted because my university course doesn't require pads and pens (its an art based one) but i'm going to buy it all anyway! Oh and i'd advise getting the early bus, if they're anything like mine they will run late! xx

    1. I am definitely sticking with the early bus, the other day I went to get the later one and it was running so late and now I am too scared to try it. At least you get all cool artsy stuff though, if I were you I'd do the same though and by loads of stationary anyway too aha x

  3. Highlighters were always my school essential - loved having colourful notes xo

    Emily |

    1. Turns out the highlighters I got are actually the worst to use, they don't glide and are hardly luminous. What a disappointment. Esecially because they are such an essential, how am I meant to survive now!x

  4. Such a lovely post - I've just started college as well and so funny I decided to go for a rucksack this year as well since my shoulder got wrecked from a handbag last year haha!

    Lucy |

    1. I'm glad you got a rucksack! Save your shoulders!x

  5. love how youve taken the photos for this post :) looks great. id love it if youd comment back xx

  6. I have a rucksack and literally its so much easier, you can just shove it on your back and you don't have to carry anything in your hands!
    Alice x

    1. I know right, plus if you're in a queue it stops people getting too up in your grill from the back because I feel like it creates a shield aha x

  7. such a helpful , lovely post! I really need to get my hands on a good rucksack as they seem so much more practical haha! xx

    1. Yes, get one! And try and find one with really padded straps and thank me later ;)x

  8. I like the notebooks' design :)

  9. totally with you on getting a backpack (american equivalent of a rucksack) instead of a bag. whenever i see my friends using bags for school, the straps are always as thin as thread because they're so worn. it just looks painful. and i love how colorful all your stuff is! also, i think that carrying pads for other girls is like our duty to society as females haha

    1. I know, I honestly feel the pain when I see girls in those bags. Plus a lot of the time the actual bag is huge and that strap can definitely not be providing enough support or strength to be able to hold it! Ah thank you, to be fair I feel like it's mainly the highlighters that add the colour. And yes, it's definitely our duty!x

  10. Looooove this post Libby! Totally agree with everything you included in this, us girls have to stay prepared at all times!


    1. Thanks Becca! And yes I know, it's the worst as well when you're not prepared and none of your friends are!x

  11. Loved this post Libby! I just did a 'Whats in my Uni Backpack' (or rucksack as you guys call it ;)) and it's so interesting to similarities/differences between what we take around with us. I love how colourful all of your stationary is!
    Caitie x

    1. Ah I saw, I love your pictures! I know right, it's so weird seeing what's essential for other people!x

  12. this stationary is the cutest x

  13. luckily i'm done with school but your stuff is cute, good luck!

    danielle | avec danielle

    1. I feel like even when I'm done with school I'll still always be buying stationary aha, but thank you!:)x

  14. Oooh these are such cute school supplies. I've just started sixth form and I spend an unnecessary amount of money on stationary..It was so worth it! xo

    1. It is so worth it because just think how pretty your notes will be!x

  15. I've just started sixth form and I have a bag and oh my god it is killing my shoulder with the textbooks I have to lug around everyday - a rucksack is definitely going to be on the cards soon! Although my school is an hour away from where I live so I have to get the school bus and my shoulders get a bit of a rest. I so agree with the chewing gum/mints. I always have to have some to hand, especially if I go to Costa in my free periods as I don't want to have coffee breath for the rest of the day. Ew.

    Maddie //

    1. There's a Costa sort of near my school and I always get so tempted to go there on my way home but I never do but I have been craving one ever since school began aha. That's such a long bus journey, either way you should definitely get a rucksack, save yourself aha x

  16. I really love your backpack!! We don't have a dresscode at the schools here so I totally understand that struggle of planning the cutest outfits and being bumped by the weather in the morning, especially when you're too late...
    Wish you the best for college, you're prepared anyways!;)

    1. Thank you! I know it's such a task but at the same time I love it because it gives me a reason to buy more clothes aha x

  17. Its been a while since I've been in school but you definitely spot on! Your supplies are the cutest!


  18. You had me chocking on my chocolates with the 'pad and the boy story' I can absolutely imagine - every girls worst nightmare! I loved this post, you've defiantly inspired me to organise my school rucksack! x


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