I Like To Write Lists

7 October 2015

I am not an organised person. I always try to be, but rarely am. However on the good ol' back to school stationary shop, I bought this list book from Paperchase. I have always been fan of lists, I like to write out everything I have to do and to be able to see what needs to be done and I feel like a lot of people are the same way. Inside this list book there are different sections of paper, which help me to organise my lists. For example the little post its at the side I write down the important things that I need to do, then next to them is my school list and just things that I need to do that don't require much explanation, they just act as little triggers to remind me. Then on the right hand side where there's more space I write out blog things I need to do and maybe school things.

There are no separate pages in this, you just open it and there's everything you need to do, which I like. There is no faffing about to find your list, you just open it and it's there. I always keep this on my desk as well so I remember to check it, and it's so cute and endearing that I always do check it. I have found with this that I am writing week lists, so rather than writing down a bunch of things that I have no chance of completing in a day, I write down things I need to do that week and slowly get them done. I personally feel week lists are better, well for me at least. I rarely complete day lists, mainly because I see all those bullet points and get put off. I don't know how to explain, but if daily lists aren't working for you, try weekly lists. And get a cute thing to write your lists in because if it's cute I feel like you'll be more inclined to use it and check it. Plus, with this you know where your list is. I used to write them on random pads of paper and always lose it then weeks later find the incomplete list, but I don't have that problem with this because I just know all my lists are here. Honestly, 10/10 would recommend buying one. 


  1. This is such a cute little book - I'm so unorganised its really bad, definitely need to invest in one of these!

    Lucy | www.foreverseptemberr.blogspot.co.uk

  2. This is an amazing idea for a post, I'm constantly making lists. I love the little book :)

    Edie x

  3. I am such a list maker it is ridiculous, I definitely get it from my mum!This is such a good idea though...

    Infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

    1. I went through a phase of hating lists because I was always too optimistic but now I've learn my lesson aha x

  4. I write tons of lists as well! To do lists are huge for me, and it really takes a lot of the pressure off when I don't need to remember exactly what I need to do, I can just reference my list.

    Angelina Is | Bloglovin'

    1. I know right! I should probably make one for today to be honest because I keep forgetting what I wanted to get done aha x

  5. I feel like this post was written about me I'm exactly the same I find I'm not an organised person but lists help me so much if it's written down it's like I have to do it!

    Liz | LotsofLoveLiz

  6. Yaaas I love lists! Your handwriting is goals ^_^ x


  7. I literally love checking things off... I know... I just do!
    Aleeha xXx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This is exactly what I need, I've been looking for one of these books for ages! :)


  10. I'm so unorganised I need one of these so bad! Lovely post x


  11. Ooh I'm in need of one of these. I need to organise my school stuff and my blog! I'm also totally loving your handwriting xo

    1. Thank you! I know, I've kind of abandoned using mine recently but I need to go back to it so I can sort out my life!x

  12. I have been trying to get organised recently, making lists and sticking them on my wall. This notebook would be very helpful and it is cute too!

    Sempiternal Adventures

    1. I went through a phase of sitcking my lists on my wall but then they'd either fall down or the blue tac would leave a weird mark on my wall so I gave up aha x


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