Skinny Dip Headphones

15 November 2015


Hey guys, sorry for my absence. I planned on getting loads of posts planned during half term, but that did not happen and just kind of caught up in school work. Plus I find it immensely hard to blog during winter because there's such a slim time frame to be able to take outfit pictures which is usually when I'm college. Very annoying, but I will work my way round. Things will be pretty hectic within the next few weeks what with mocks and all but I should be able to function and post at least once a week! Anyway, on wards we go! In summer I got a pair of Skinny Dip Headphones. I spent ages debating whether to get headphones or earphones though and settled on headphones, which I will now stick with from now on. Headphones are just so much easier than earphones. They stay on your head, keep your ears warm and help block out external sound (some better than others though). The disadvantages to headphones over earphones though is that you can't share headphones and that you can't wear them subtly in class which I did find quite a challenge to get over.

I didn't like these headphones much at first, if we're all being honest. I didn't think the sound quality was that good but I don't know if that's just me. However, I do love the physical aspects. I think they're really funky and I love the combination of black and gold. It's done in a way where there isn't too much gold to make it tacky but just enough to make them more snazzy. After a while, I grew to love these headphones. Yes, they weren't the best. Yes, I struggled to fit them in my school bag sometimes but either way, I grew to like them and get used to their sound quality. However, on one long, lonesome bus journey home they had broke. I'm not sure what exactly happened, It just sounded as if all the songs had been recorded under water. I've tested them out a few times since though, but I think they are well and truly gone. It is quite annoying because I haven't even had them that long, but oh well. They were quite cheap though, they originally cost £25, then there was a discount going on and somehow they became £20 and with mine and my sisters purchases combined we qualified for free shipping. It was fun whilst it lasted, but I hope my next headphones provide me with better experiences, whilst still looking as cute as these headphones.

This hasn't discouraged me from Skinny Dip though, I still love the brand, just not their headphones. Please let me know any good headphones you know that aren't ridiculously expensive! It's annoying good headphones cost so much but then again, good headphones last longer than a few months and would provide a much better sound quality. Oh what a tough decision to make, if you have any advice I am ready to receive it! See you guys soon, sorry for my crappy blogging!.


  1. Ow that's annoying, they look so pretty as well! I just use crappy samsung ones I got from amazon lol ^_-

    1. I need to buy some more but just don't know who to trust!x

  2. That's such a shame, they look so aesthetically pleasing as well haha. I seem to prefer ear phones because they're so much easier to carry around. Lovely post.

    Olivia // BLONDE LA MODE

    1. Yeah that is a bonus with ear phones and that you can keep one in whilst talking to people but I don't know man, now I've tried headphones I don't want to go back!x

  3. At least they look really nice haha - shame they're not the best though! I do own a pair of Beats and I'd say if you really wanted good headphones I'd go for those but then again the price is extortionate! Try going into HMV though they always have tons of headphones at pretty cheap prices:)

    Lucy |

    1. Yeah Beats are so expensive! Maybe if I ever get a job I'll splash out and buy some, but not for now. Oh I didn't think of HMV, that's a good idea, thank you!:)x

  4. Awesome! I am more of a headphone person but I think it's because I always have them in for workout kind of stuff. These look really nice though!

    1. I like to use headphones for workouts rather than earphones, I always find earphones just fall out, unless they're those weird wrap around ones aha x

  5. they're so pretty but annoying they broke, i don't use headphones but they look super coooool x

    1. I know, I hope I can find some more that are just as pretty :( But hopefully a better quality aha x

  6. I absolutely LOVE headphones, I feel like there is so much awe to putting on over-ear headphones and completely zoning out!

    Sophie |

    1. Me too, and it really allows me to get properly into my music!x

  7. I love headphones, these look absolutely beautiful! Shame that they broke though..

  8. I've broken three pairs of earphones recently- so annoying!! These are pretty though :)

    Eliza xo |

    1. Ugh it's so bad how easily headphones can break unless they cost £7483408!x

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! Everything about them was so funky!x

  10. Really good review, those headphones look super pretty even if they're not the best quality:')

    // xx

  11. Love your headphones! Great design :P

    1. Thank you, I know they were so funky, I'm so annoyed they broke!x

  12. Taking pictures is really a struggle during winter time! i don't use headphones very often, so there are no recommendations from me, sorry.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. I know! I need to take some today and now would be the perfect time but I can't bring myself to get out of bed!x

  13. They are so pretty! I’m pretty bummed that the quality is bad. I’ll just stick to my apple ones because they are pretty much the bomb!

    Ambra x
    Fridays are fab

    1. I know, it's so annoying. I might ask for some new ones for Christmas because I've been using my apple ear phones lately but I miss the security of having headphones aha x

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