Pink Hair Heck Yea

11 December 2015


Hey guys! Sorry for being distant lately, had to revise for mocks, but now I am back! I can officially be excited for Christmas now too!  I want to do a Christmassy themed post for you all but first I wanted to show you my new hair. In half term I got quite a bit chopped off and some highlights put in, I wanted to show you at the time but never did. Then the other day (yesterday) I went and got my hair dyed pink! I've always wanted pink or colourful hair, but was never allowed because of the bleach etc etc. But then at the hairdressers I go to they had a toner that could turn my hair pink. I;m not sure how it works but all I know is I didn't have to completely bleach my hair, but the top parts were made blonder so it would pick up the pink colour better.

I love it so much! I feel so cool, it's not very Christmassy though and I feel like it could clash with red Christmas clothes but oh well, there is always green clothes. Either way I don't care, I love it so much. It fades with every wash but I don't wash my hair often so hopefully it will last quite a while. Anyway, see you guys soon (hopefully Sunday) and hope you're all having a good week.


  1. Your hair looks so pretty! It really suits you. x


  2. You look stunning! omg I could never pull off pink hair but it suits you so well :) x

    1. I bet you could! I love it so much though I don't want it ever to fade aha, thank you!:)x

  3. Ooo your hair looks amazing, I love it! I actually think red and pink look really nice together, I used to love wearing red lipstick when I had my hair pink!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

  4. It looks amazing aw I love it - I really want to dye mine pink as well! Also I notice you have your nose pierced, did it hurt much I was thinking of getting mine done?!

    Lucy |

    1. Not really! I think I'm quite good with piercing pain though, but it didn't hurt at all really, afterwards it hurt a bit but nothing unbearable :)x

    2. Thankyou for answering this - I'm so tempted to get mine done!

  5. ooh this looks neat(: i love how it kind of fades into your normal blonde hair. love even more that you didn't need to bleach. bleach is like the main reason i haven't done anything to my hair (in terms of color)

    1. Well there was some bleach involved but not an unhealthy amount, but I'm quite lucky though because I have naturally blonder hair, it must be harder for you because yours is so dark!x

  6. I love your hair so much:)
    New on

  7. Oh my god this looks so good! It really suits you. And girl, not Chritmassy? Throw some glitter over yourself and you'll look like the personification of festive cheer.

    Bethany | Curly and Wordy

    1. Oh I never thought of it that way but yes glitter and tinsel would work wonders!x

  8. Thank you! Oh yeah that is scary but to e honest, I say go for it! Have colourful hair whilst you can still rock it! (not saying old people can't rock colourful hair but just before any form of work/career can stop you!)x


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