Finding Out Memories of 2015 and 2016

3 January 2016

excuse my skin I was going to edit out the blemishes then decided not to because I am tired and lazy. #naturalbeauty too
Last year when I went to Reading Music Festival I took a disposable camera and used it maybe twice. Around October I rediscovered the usefulness of having a disposable camera. You can take pictures and forget about what they are but when you get them printed your memories will come back to you. I have nine pictures left on that disposable and I can't remember what half those pictures are of. Chances are a lot of them will be crap because no one believed me when I told them the importance of making sure the flash was on, but either way. Memories. I have another disposable in my drawer and I feel like this year I will be much more ready to use it. yes I have a digital camera but that's more for blogging and I on't like to take that out with me. A disposable though is purely for memories in my opinion and I'm excite to use them more in 2016 to document fun memories whilst I'm out about and to get them printed and rediscover things I done that I found worthy of a picture. 

I don't know how well I'm phrasing this, but I think you all should invest in a disposable camera this year. 

Also in 2015 I tried to keep a happiness jar (do you ever look back at a post and die at the pictures/way you've written it)  which I completely forgot about/got too lazy to update. This year though I'm going to try something different, I'm just going to put things that happened in my life in there with the date. They still will be happy things but I don't know, it will be more about what I done than what made me happy because looking back at some of the things I wrote were pretty crap. One of them was my mum got really nice scones, not really a memory as much as just a thing. 


  1. happy new year libby!! i tried to keep a memory jar too and i'm gonna try and do it again this year.
    p.s. I think scones are a lovely memory lol x

    1. Lets do it! And they really were, they were from M&S and nothing has ever lived up to them yet x

  2. One of my aims this year is to take loads of pictures on a film camera/disposable camera - I think I'm going to take lots more pictures this year!

    Lucy |

    1. Me too! But not cool pictures probably just pictures of friends haha, you seem like a proper photographer who will take amazing pics!x

  3. I love the idea of happiness jars and disposable cameras are so handy xx

    1. I know! I went out the other day though and wanted to take it with me and I completely forgot :(x


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