Advice From One Loser To Another

21 July 2018

'avoid adulthood for as long as possible' - my friends mum at 1am, completely drunk. she probably has no recollection of the conversation. 

I thought I took a photo of the diary entry I made when reflecting on the advice, but whoops looks like a random thing about my favourites
See, I know adulthood is nothing to be feared. It's a mentality that we adapt to, responsibilities we become accustomed to but I don't know, it shouldn't be avoided or feared or anything but I feel like despite fearing responsibilities I inflict unnecessary ones on myself. At the time my friends mum told me to avoid adulthood I was working full time, my life was following a strict schedule of going to work, the gym, then sleeping but my life didn't need to be so regimented.

I don't know why I'm finding this so hard to type up. I know the advice doesn't sound that profound but to me it is. I find myself getting so caught up in life, when there is no need. I know adulthood doesn't equate to a life of boredom but it is undeniable that being young means less responsibilities therefore there is more freedom in youth. I don't take the advice to mean to actually try to halt the gradual mental shift from adolescence to adulthood, but more to loosen up. To say yes more often, we're young and can test our boundaries more. With me, there is always an option that's more carefree and more reckless and I want to take that option more often. Maybe reckless was the wrong word, but I live in London and I've only just started going to free gigs and exploring London more. I won't always have the chance to just pop into London when I feel like it, to drink a bottle of wine with my friend the night before work, or to go and visit my friend late at night to eat popcorn and watch Love Island. Also, I don't know, I feel like when you're young you should really embrace your hobbies. Take time for yourself whilst you still can, you know. These may not necessarily be the best years of our lives, but I'm lucky enough to have a life of little responsibility at the moment and I should be utilising that rather than enforcing a strictness on my life that will come naturally with age.

side note- the person who told me to avoid adulthood wasn't a loser, but I am. So yeah, go out! Live your life, you have no one dependent on you, you can be free! Stay out late! Don't stay in a relationship because you fear being 33 and still single/ friendless. So much happens in life, so accept whatever fun things come your way. Peace!


  1. Love this post and the advice your mum's friend gave you. I think it is easy to become caught up in all the responsibilities and forget to actually live and enjoy yourself

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  2. An excellent reminder really. We don't need to grow up too quickly.

    Anna // Zu Hause

  3. This is some of the best advice I've heard in a while too. I love that it came from your mothers friend while she was drunk! I say enjoy the now while you can forget about the later. Wrote a post about that, you might like it!

  4. it was this mentality of 'fuck it I'm not young forever' that has literally dictated the latter half of my gap year. I've constantly reminded myself 'I won't be able to do this when ive actual responsibilities' and its so true!!! embrace it!!! (but this also led to me crashing and getting ill lmao so do have some boundaries) xox

    1. Omg true I go through a complete fuck it then I suddenly get a massive hangover from five nights in a row of drinking and I realise I need to rein it in sometimes, there's being young and then there's just being dumb lol

  5. I think saying yes whenever possible is seriously important. Now that I'm 23 I feel like its dawned on me that opportunities to meet friends and go out spontaneously don't come around that often because everyone is in relationships or working 5/6 days a week. I miss being so young and carefree and I know that I am obviously still young and lead an interesting, exciting life but its just not the same! And you'll honestly only realise this once you grow out of being so carefree. So make the most of everything you got!!

    Louise x

    1. Ah thanks Louise- sometimes I think life won't change that much and I'll always get an opportunity to go out and be free and I need to be reminded life will never be as free as it is now! Got nothing to do with an un-exicitng life, just a life that lacks responsibilities! Thanku x

  6. Absolutely loved this post Libby and I can't relate more. I'm constantly stuck between wanting to stick to a routine and focus on that and being a bit more reckless. Its hard to wrap my head around because I won't have the opportunities to be as carefree forever, so I guess I gotta embrace it?! Although I do think I've taken that too far sometimes but I've learnt from those mistakes. Lets just enjoy our youth whilst we're here ayy?!

    Lucy | Forever September

    1. So true, it's such a hard balance to find but god I feel like I just set myself all these rules to allow for all these responsibilities that I don't even have!!x

  7. Such a good message to us all. Stay forever young!


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